Sunday, August 7, 2011


I have never heard of this brand!
I arrived to Chicago from Spain just three weeks ago. The first week I was too
jet-lagged and barely saw around much but the stunning city with its huge
sky-scrapers and busy downtown.
The second week I started studying at SAIC.  Even though I was under the stress of starting my classes, I started noticing the people here have a look that is very different than mine.  I felt a little out of place.  On the third week, I created this blog to give something back to the city that is giving me so much. And, at the end of the week Chicago gave me Forever 21!
I’m very used to Zara in Spain and I can tell Forever 21 is its American counterpart. However, Zara stores here are not quite the same bargain as they are in Spain.
I found some interesting pieces in Forever 21 that I will share very soon. For now here is Elisabeth Rodriguez, a gorgeous and helpful employee dressed on this brand clothes. She is a very good example of a talent for making the simple look chic.
Thanks Elisabeth, for your time and for your charming smile.


  1. Hi Alicia!
    This looks great! I don't know how I forgot to mention it, but the bag I was wearing that day is actually from Target.... so it's also super inexpensive! Here's another fashion blogger that I find interesting. I hope you like her too!


  2. Hi Lou!
    Thank you for your comment and for the information about the bag. I was really missing it! I'm going to add it to your post. I already checked on the blog you recommended and I did like it so much. I hope you liked your post!


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