Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yesterday I went to Plato's Closet. It is a retail store with a huge selection of fashionable used clothing and accessories in current style for very cheap. Plato's Closet offers cool stuff from all seasons and a huge variety of brands at great prices. It has been great to discover a location where a good bargain hunter can spot a chic and very affordable outfit. They buy and sell clothes, shoes, sunglasses, purses, watches, and more, so you are guaranteed to walk out with something that you love. A plus: take the chance to clean out your closet, being eco-friendly, and get paid for it!

TOP forever 21 $10, SKIRT Heritage $8, blue stone NECKLACE $4, PEEP TOES Carlotte Russe $5.

SWEATER Hollister $17, PURSE Bueno $6, BALLERINAS All Black $6.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Me encanta... Yo quiero ir a Chicago y comprar en el armario de Platón. Los zapatos son preciosos!!!!

  3. T'u no te preocupes que cuando vuelva hacemos una reuni'on de chicas y vemos lo que te queda bien ;) Gracias por el cometario. XXXX

  4. Que...? mucho shopping? Que envidia, sana, pero envidia...

  5. Thank you. I visited your blog and I really liked it. Hugs!


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